When it comes to iconic film characters, you would have a difficult time beating James Bond. The Bond Characters have been keeping us entertained for decades, partly because they keep swapping the lead character.
Now that Daniel Craig is stepping aside from his character as James Bond, it’s time to choose someone else. Many people have an option on the subject, additionally Tom Hanks. In fact, he thinks he has the best choice.

Of course, Tom Hanks is no stranger to the silver screen. He may not have portrayed Bond but he is equally loved in his characters as Forrest Gump and in the movie, Castaway.
He has won 2 Academy Awards and is even in the process of finishing a book: The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece.
Recently, Hanks was being interviewed by the BBC and they were questioning some intriguing questions. Numerous of them revolved around his upcoming book and his wonderful film career, but they also asked him a question outside of the box.

The Interviewer questioned Hanks: “In your opinion, who do you believe possesses the suitable qualities to portray the next James Bond?”
Over the past 6 decades, there have been numerous actors who portrayed the character. To name just a few, there were Sean Connery, David Niven, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, and Daniel Craig.

Tom Hanks thought for quite while and then answered: “In my opinion, James Bond possesses a license to kill. Based simple on the remarkable work I’ve seen from him, I would grant that license to Idris Elba.”
This was also something that Pierce Brosnan, a ex Bond actor also thought would work well. He stated so in a 2021 interview with People, saying, “Idris Elba immediately comes to mind. He exudes incredible presence and possesses a phenomenal voice. He would be exceptional.”